I DO NOT offer readings for pregnant Juju Mamas!
3 hr 30 min
From 275 US dollars15 min
97 US dollars30 min
150 US dollars30 min
150 US dollars
The Ancestors led you here for a reason!
The Fertility Reading is my most POPULAR reading that has unlocked wombs, shifted destinies and opened portals to the spirit realm so that your ancestors and babies can come through! Ya'll better check my receipts!
💛THOUSANDS of Juju Mamas lives have shifted to a higher frequency!
👶🏽👶🏾👶🏼Hundreds of babies have come through the portal too!
✨Using my ancestral gifts, we will look into the following:
- What needs to be uncovered/possible blockages
- How to unlock your womb
- Spirit baby gender and season of conception or birth
- Ancestral/Spirit baby messages
(This is not set in stone....as I flow with how my ancestors give the medicine.)
I DO NOT give readings by questions because it limits the way our spirit guides want to express itself to heal your lineage.
My readings are potent AF and can be bittersweet, yet powerful medicine.
🔮Sometimes babies do not come through in the readings and that means there's more urgent matters that you should be focusing on to clear the energy blocks.
*There are no refunds.
(Zoom Meeting)
* Please have Zoom downloaded on your device as I WILL NOT troubleshoot for you.
* It is your responsibility to reach out if you are having difficulty.
*10 Minute tardiness may require a rescheduling of your session. No exceptions!
*Please make space for your spirit guides to connect with you before our reading time (a simple heartfelt prayer/meditation can work wonders).
WombCast Divination
What's Waiting for You in Your WombCast?
Uncover the stories your womb holds—from past lovers to soul ties, ancestral secrets, and messages from spirit babies. It's a grounded journey that respects your unique energy and roots.
Divine Guidance Consultation
In this session, we talk about some REAL SH*T that will cause REAL SHIFTS!
I dive deep into the very core of your being, bringing you into the vortex and through the gateways to uncover the hidden traumas that have silently shaped your life and hindered your connection to your higher self and ancestors.
This powerful 1-hour session will include spiritual guidance to help you connect with yourself first, spirit guides, breakthrough the limits and clear your path.
This is not a reading, but you will be READ!
So brace yourself...lol.