If you’ve been following me for a while, then you know I love using rituals as a way to tap into your fertility JUJU. Rituals are a powerful practice that help you set intentions around what you want to manifest. Whether that’s a baby, a new relationship, or a healthier lifestyle…setting daily, weekly, or monthly rituals are a beautiful way to connect with your JUJU.
Practicing love rituals with your partner is one way to manifest more romance in your relationship. Love rituals can help you build intimacy, uncover trauma that needs to be resolved, and even help you connect with your spirit babies.
If you and your partner are struggling to ignite that bedroom spark, practicing one of these relationship rituals is just the thing you need to tap in and reconnect.
Getting started with your love ritual: set an intention
The first thing you want to do when creating a romantic ritual with your partner is set an intention. Why do you want to take more time to connect with each other? What are you hoping to get out of it?
Take a moment with your partner to discuss your intentions with these rituals to make sure you’re both on the same page. It’s so important to tap in and listen to each other’s needs and desires. This will create an energetic container for your manifestations to truly blossom.
You and your partner can even create a vision board together to bring your intentions to life. Vision boards are so helpful for this kind of work because our brains like to process things visually. Gather images that represent the way you want to feel together, and the things you hope to manifest in your relationship. Hang your vision board somewhere you can both see it everyday.
Getting started with your love ritual: set energetic boundaries
The next thing you want to do before practicing your love ritual is set some energetic boundaries. In today's world, we have so many things taking up our attention. Whether it’s stress from work, family life, or our phones, it’s getting harder and harder to stay present. Setting boundaries around your love ritual will help establish some ground rules, so you can both show up stronger for each other.
Here are a few things I recommend discussing before getting started:
What time of day are you most wanting to connect and what needs to change in order to make that happen?
How often will you check in to discuss how things are going and if any new boundaries need to be set?
Who is and is NOT allowed in your relationship? Are there past partners, friends, or family members whose energy is contributing to your relationship in a negative way?
What energy are you NOT bringing to these rituals? How can you honor this time together and connect without drama or distractions?
When is it time to put the phones away? Can you agree to go offline during your time together?
Now that you’ve discussed your intentions around your love ritual, and have set your energetic boundaries, it’s time to create some love JUJU magick! Here are some of my favorite romantic ritual ideas for couples:
1. Morning gratitude and intention setting practice
Start the day with gratitude! Practice this ritual by sharing at least 3 things you’re each grateful for, and end by discussing your intentions for the day. You can even write your gratitudes and intentions down in a journal or on a white board to increase their manifestation energy.
2. Read together or practice morning devotions
Start or end the day by reading a morning devotional from your favorite book or bible verse. You can each share which feelings the reading brought up, and how you plan to incorporate it throughout your day.
3. Pull cards for a daily reading
Start the day with your partner by pulling a card from your Fertility JUJU affirmation deck or any oracle deck you love. Tap into the message the card has for you as a couple, and incorporate it into your day together. This practice can help you both tap into your intuitive wisdom, and even connect you with your guides or spirit babies.
4. Cook together
Cooking together is a great way to bond as a couple, especially if eating healthier is one of your fertility goals. Making breakfast together can help you connect before the busy-ness of the day pulls you in different directions, while sharing dinner can help you both unwind. If you can’t cook together everyday, try at least once a week...and be sure to make something special!
5. Add fresh fruit to your table
Fruit not only supports your fertility by providing hydration and essential vitamins and minerals…but it also sweetens up a relationship! Add fresh fruit to your table as a symbol of your love, and eat it throughout the day with your partner to share in this sweetness. Bonus points if you add honey or agave.
6. Go for a walk
Start or end your day with a walk around your neighborhood. This one is great for my JUJU mamas looking to get in shape, as walking increases circulation to your womb. These daily walks are a great time to dream about your goals for the future, or simply connect without distractions.
7. Meditate together
Connect with your partner through a meditation practice. Studies have found that meditating together can help improve your relationship by building intimacy, improving communication, processing difficult emotions, and creating more empathy for each other. If you can't meditate daily, make a ritual of it by choosing one day a week to tap in. There are a variety of mediation apps that have challenges to help get started.
8. Learn something new
Choose a creative hobby or sport to practice together. Learning new things with your partner can help you bond over shared interests, create new memories, and reignite old passion. Try signing up for a dance or art class, joining a community sports league, learning a new language, or setting a goal to practice a new skill.
9. Turn your bedroom into a sacred space
If you connect with your partner most at the end of the day in bed, then make sure your bedroom JUJU is on point by practicing feng shui. Remove all electronics and clutter from your space, and redesign your room with neutral colors and textures. The best colors for relationship harmony are white, ivory, tan, brown, pink, and gold. Consider incorporating these colors in your bed sheets, rugs, curtains, and walls.
10. Create a love frequency playlist
Connect with each other by creating a special love frequency playlist. Choose songs that put you in that mood, or just remind you of why you fell for each other in the first place. Play it in the bedroom or the bath to help spice things up and get that fertility JUJU working!
11. Take a romantic spiritual bath
Spiritual baths are not necessarily about getting clean, but rather clearing the negative blocks in you and your partners’ physical, emotional, and spiritual body. The key component is your intention as a couple. When baths are paired with strong intention (and a lil magick), you create a powerful ritual to connect, heal, and tap into your divine sexual energy.
Aphrodisiac bath
To ignite that bedroom spark, take a romantic bath with cinnamon, rose petals and jasmine. You can either boil the herbs first and pour them into the bath or use essential oil as a substitute. Play your love frequency playlist, and connect with each other’s energy.
Spice up the bedroom bath
Add a little more spice to your bedroom ritual by taking a bath with orange peels, lavender, a lil ginger, cinnamon, gardenia and rose. These ingredients can also be added to carrier oils, such as grapeseed or coconut oil and put into a spray bottle whenever you want to tap into that love frequency/seductive energy.
Essential oils have a strong effect on your nervous system, which is in charge of releasing neurotransmitters that influence your emotions. Essential oils support your emotions by releasing negative energy or harmful thought patterns that are blocking you from being present with your partner. They are a great tool to use during your love rituals.
12. Couples massage rituals
Pelvic/womb massage
Have your partner use grapeseed or coconut oil to massage your pelvic area to remove energy that’s no longer serving you. Speak affirmations to each other during this time and cater to the divine feminine and masculine energies within.
Heart space massage
Massage your partner’s heart space to keep him (or her) more loving and open emotionally. Share what you appreciate about your partner as you give your massage to create even more openness and connection.
Ready to tap into the Love Frequency? I created a playlist just for my Juju Mamas! Tap in sis, and listen to it today!
And once you and your partner are tapped in, book a fertility reading with me to gain more insight on your fertility journey. During these readings, you’ll receive important messages to reveal what’s still blocking you from becoming pregnant, as well as guidance moving forward. Book your fertility reading here.
Looking for more love rituals to help you on your fertility journey?
Tap in with my free Love JUJU Ebook where you’ll learn 20+ rituals to help boost your love frequency!
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